Friday, January 22, 2016

Carol Dweck's Growth Mindset

Although I didn’t recognize her name at first, I realized instantly that I have previously seen this TED Talk. Carol Dweck has so many great ideas! I actually feel that we have used growth mindset in Epics of India already. For me, the retelling of the story was challenging. I wouldn’t say that creative writing is my forte. Still, I enjoyed the assignment and challenge. 

Source: Twitter

As Carol Dweck mentions in “Make Challenge the New Comfort Zone”, it’s true that often we fret over challenges and hardships when we should be grateful for them! Yoga has especially helped me to train my mind to be grateful for challenges. 

One of my favorite books is Switch On Your Brain by Dr. Caroline Leaf, who believes that by changing your mindset you can change your outcome

Source: Pixabay

Dr. Leaf's research is there: Positive thinking leads to growth, while negative thinking hinders growth. This idea is revolutionary and hopeful! I am definitely interested in learning more about the growth mindset this semester.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with basically everything here. It is so neat that you have seen (heard?) this talk before, because that means this excellent idea is getting around.
    I can understand where you are coming from when you say it is stepping out of your comfort zone to write stories. I am a math person, and the only papers I ever write anymore are lab reports. I wish you the best!
