Thursday, April 28, 2016

Week 14: Shiva's Secret

In 7 Secrets of Hindu Calendar Art by Devdutt Pattanaik, the main idea of Shiva’s Secret is that withdrawal leads to destruction.

Shiva is commonly known as the destroyer. Rage and anger are often associated with the act of destruction but Shiva is calm and composed, which is confusing to many people. But, according to Pattanaik, this confusion is due to our negative connotation of this verb. Shiva is the destroyer of Kama, Yama, and Tripura, or the destroyer of desire, death, and the three worlds. There is nothing negative about this sort of destruction.

Shiva destroys desire by destroying Kama, the god who makes us want for things. Therefore, Shiva wants for nothing. Shiva destroys death by destroying Yama, the god of death. Shiva destroys the three worlds - the earth, the atmosphere, and the sky - by destroying Tripura. Thus, Shiva destroys our desire for life, our fear of death, and our need for the world around us.

Ash is a byproduct of destruction and also happens to be a symbol of an immortal soul. On Shiva's forehead are three vertical lines of ash, which you can vaguely see in the picture below. It also happens to look a lot like an eye in closer up pictures, which I believe has to do with the third eye or evil eye. These three lines represent inertia, lack of movement, and a state of dissolution.

Three is a very important number to the god Shiva, where he is the destroyer of three things, the third eye is made up of three lines, and he holds a trident of three blades.

Shiva. Source: Mythology Wikia.

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